The Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) is the national trade association for Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration (HVACR) contractors in the United States.
We represent over 3,000 individual member companies across the nation. ACCA’s mission includes promoting the importance of quality installation of HVACR systems. To address this, the ACCA Educational Institute (ACCA-EI) created ACCA At Home, a platform designed to educate homeowners about the significance of proper HVACR system installation.
These incorrect installations can significantly hinder the energy efficiency of these systems. Problems such as undersized or oversized systems can lead to discomfort and inefficiency within homes.
As a homeowner, it’s crucial to ensure that you receive a quality installation from an HVACR contractor. When your HVACR equipment is installed correctly, it will work efficiently as intended, saving you money and providing better comfort.
ACCA At Home is here to help homeowners like you make informed decisions when choosing an HVACR contractor. This initiative equips homeowners with the knowledge and tools to select a contractor who can perform a proper system design and installation that best suits their needs.